Utilize FluidSEO to bulk update image Alt text, boosting both SEO visibility and accessibility without tedious manual editing.
1. Open Smart Alt Text

2. Choose if your images are used on Static pages, or stored in the CMS, we’ll walk through images stored in the CMS here

3. Choose how the images are stored in the CMS - is the image stored in a field by itself, or is the image in a rich text field? (We'll use the rich text field case for this example)

4. Choose which CMS stores the images

5. Select which field holds the rich text that contains image

6. Select the images you’d like to update alt text for. You can use the filter at the top to find images that have no alt text set

7. Press Generate to get suggestions for Alt text

8. If you’re happy with the suggested alt text, save the individual images, or press Save All to save any changes